Monday, December 30, 2019

Pride And Prejudice By Elizabeth Bennet - 979 Words

The main characters of Pride and Prejudice and To The Lighthouse are women with a different kind of mind set than the rest of the characters. Elizabeth Bennet, in Pride and Prejudice, cares about her happiness, good-manners of people, virtues, and believes she can choose a man without being impressed by his wealth or title; practically going against women at the time. Then Lily Briscoe, in To The Lighthouse, is an uncommon woman in the novel because she doesn’t regard society, is unattached to family, and a woman painter. These two characters have a different personality of the typical women that lived during their time periods. Elizabeth Bennet’s and Lily Briscoe’s intelligence and defiant attitude towards the other characters show that women can be clever and strong-minded to accomplish their purposes. At the beginning of their stories, Elizabeth Bennet and Lily Briscoe appear to be different than the rest of the characters. Elizabeth has a mother, Mrs. Bennet, who wants her to marry a man with wealth and that is respectable in their region. But Elizabeth does not share the same thoughts that women have to depend on a man with power because she too has power to choose who she wishes to marry. Although Elizabeth is taken to balls to find the respectable man, she uses her humor to defend herself from the other character’s comments as when Jane Austen describes, â€Å"She told the story, however, with great spirit among her friends; for she had a lively, playful disposition,Show MoreRelatedPride And Prejudice By Elizabeth Bennet2024 Words   |  9 Pagesfor their family. During the English Regency period, young girls married for financial security and social benefits to improve their family’s status. In Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth Bennet rebelled against this mainstream idea of marriage set by society, in order to marry for true love. Set during the Regency period, Pride and Prejudice focuses on the upbringing of women in a male dominated society in which marriage was the only escape from destitution. For women, the story emphasizes theRead More The Individualization of Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice2354 Words   |  10 PagesThe Individualization of Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Midway through Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth Bennet arrives at a moment of self-awakening which, notably, results from the influence of someone else: Fitzwilliam Darcy.   For critic Susan Fraiman, this complication amounts to no less than, as she titles her article, The Humiliation of Elizabeth Bennet. From this moment forward, according to Fraiman, Elizabeth Bennet ceases to think for herself.   She submits toRead MoreComparing Elizabeth Bennet and Charlotte Lucas in Pride and Prejudice1528 Words   |  7 Pagesof Elizabeth Bennet and Charlotte Lucas. The main points that will be compared and contrasted include the relative beauty, age and the characters of Elizabeth Bennet and Charlotte Lucas. The similarities and differences in their families, position in society and their wealth, their differing attitudes to marriage, and finally, who has the better deal and why, will also be discussed. By the end of this essay, the reader will be able to discern the differences and similarities in both Elizabeth andRead MoreThe Character of Elizabeth Bennet in Jane Austens Novel Pride and Prejudice1705 Words   |  7 PagesThe Character of Elizabeth Bennet in Jane Austens novel Pride and Prejudice The man plot of Austens novel Pride and Prejudice revolves around Elizabeth (or Lizzy) Bennet, who belongs to a family of five sisters, and her relationship with eligible bachelor Mr Darcy. However, Pride and Prejudice is a very complex novel, with many different subplots going on. One of these is the relationship between Elizas older sister Jane, and Bingley, Darcys friend. There are many misunderstandings withinRead More How Elizabeth Bennet is used by Jane Austen in Pride and Prejudice1501 Words   |  7 PagesHow Elizabeth Bennet is used by Jane Austen in Pride and Prejudice as a form of social protest In the society of Jane Austens day it was imperative that a woman married a suitable husband in order for them to live comfortably and improve the social standing and wealth of her family. Women in high society did not work and so it was vital that they married well. This situation is best summed up in the book by Jane Austen as we are given an insight as to the motives of Elizabeths sister CharlotteRead MoreThe Ways the Theme of Pride and Prejudice is Revealed Through the Characters of Elizabeth Bennet and Darcy913 Words   |  4 Pagesthe Theme of Pride and Prejudice is Revealed Through the Characters of Elizabeth Bennet and Darcy In Austens time it was typical of people of a higher status to look down on people below them; to be totally blinded by pride and to be prejudiced against those who have less wealth, connections and social status than them. People of a lower status also were prejudice against those higher than themselves. This is brilliantly portrayed in the characters of Elizabeth and Darcy. Read MoreContrast and compare the two marriage proposals made to Elizabeth Bennet in the novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin: Mr Collins proposal to Elizabeth and Darcys proposal to Elizabeth4640 Words   |  19 Pagesmarriage proposals made to Elizabeth Bennet in the novel: Mr Collins proposal to Elizabeth and Darcy s proposal to Elizabeth Jane Austen lived in a mercenary world and this is reflected in her novel. In Pride and Prejudice no secret is made of the need to marry for money. Jane Austen reflects different types of marriage in her novel. There is mercenary marriage, brought about solely for economic reasons. Such would have been the marriage between Mr Collins and Elizabeth. Mr Collins proposal wasRead MorePride And Prejudice By Jane Austen Essay1711 Words   |  7 Pageshe 18th century novel, Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, is a fascinating book about a young woman’s struggle with family and love. Pride and Prejudice was originally published in 1813, but, the most common version of the story, and the one used for this research, is from the version published in 1892, still by only Jane Austen, though many other authors have contributed to this book over time. Austen often references the class system at the time, often noting one of the multiple heroine’s struggleRead MoreEssay about Social Classes in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen1737 Words   |  7 PagesJane Austen’s novel, Pride and Prejudice, was originally to be titled First impressions. Austen suggests she chose the original title late in the novel, after Elizabeth has seen the change in Darcys manners at Pemberley and feels it can only be due to her influence. However, in 1801 another novel was published using that title so Austen renamed and published her novel, Pride and Prejudice, in 1813. (Stovel â€Å"A Contrariety†). The former title accurately depicts the attitudes of several charactersRead MoreReagan Autry. Mrs. Schroder. English Iv Honors. 16 February1062 Words   |  5 Pages2017 The Flaws of Pride and Prejudice Pride and Prejudice is a novel that has intrigued readers for decades. Despite where one may be from, what gender they are, or what age they are, this story enthralls every reader. One of the primary reasons that this book is so notorious is because the two main themes: pride and prejudice, are two characteristics that any person can say they have come to know. Whether it be in themselves, in a friend, or even in a stranger, pride and prejudice are two defining

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Summary Of British Tradition, And Then There Were None

Honors British Traditions And Then There Were None JP Suozzi Due: Wednesday, January 10 (a week after we return from Winter Break) Part 1—Create a list of five discussion questions (and sample answers) about the book so we can include them in our class discussions. You will be expected to lead a discussion with at least one of these questions. (Your sample answers should be six to eight sentences in length.) Do you think Wargrave is justified in murdering the guests? I do not think he is. Yes, he believes that all these people are guilty, but his belief that they are guilty does not mean that they are. These people were not convicted because there was no proof that they had done these acts. The system is designed to protect all†¦show more content†¦I am not quite sure why. He had killed everyone he had set out to, he had accomplished his goal, he had committed his murder. Why would he end it all? The only reason I can think of is that he wanted to create the perfect crime. He wanted for the police to never be able to solve the case. The only way he could have done that was to kill himself. However, this contradicts with him throwing the bottle into the sea. There is no clear answer to this question and the only one that could answer it is dead. Who do you believe is the most guilty? I believe, like Justice Wargrave, that Vera Claythorne was the most guilty and deserving of punishment. She did not actually kill him but put him well on the path of death. Also, it was done in cold blood. She killed the boy Ceril only so that her boyfriend would receive inheritance money. Everyone on the island was responsible for the death of one or more people but none of them were as bad as Vera. She killed a child for no reason and this makes he the most guilty. Wargrave was right to kill her last. Part 2—Use these topics to guide your annotations. Your annotations should be written into the book or completed on post-its in the book.  · Guilt  · Justice  · Alliances (How are they made? How are they broken?)  · Character weaknesses/exploitation of weaknesses  · Characterization (both direct and indirect)  · â€Å"Ten Little Indians† poem Part 3—Make the MovieShow MoreRelatedCritique Of `` Michael ``964 Words   |  4 PagesCritique of â€Å"Michael† Wordsworth, William. â€Å"Michael.† In British Literature, compiled by Sandra Brazil, 194-199. Pensacola: A Beka Book, 2010. Summary of Major Ideas In â€Å"Michael,† William Wordsworth attempts to demonstrate the reader about good life lessons throughout the poem. He states that â€Å"Michael† implements Romanticism literary philosophies and characteristics. He supports this claim by showing literary devices throughout the poem. 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Aside from the linguistic issues that sometimes resulted in a frustrating reduction in fluency (scripts, modules, and invigilators replacing exam papers, classes, and proctors), there were more significant distinctions, both inside and outside the lecture hall. While there are many directions that this paper could have taken, the four briefly described topics were chosen primarily due to their relevanceRead More Bahrain Essay3152 Words   |  13 Pagesthose entered into by the British Government with the other Persian Gulp principalities. It specified that the ruler could not dispose of any of his territory except to the United Kingdom and could not enter into relationships with any foreign government other than the United Kingdom without British consent. The British promise to protect Bahrain from all aggression by sea and to lend support in case of land attack. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Physical Therapist College Free Essays

Since I was a young I have always wanted to have a job that helps out other peoples’ lives for the better. I have gone from wanting to be a cop, fire fighter, EMT (emergency medical technician) and now I have made up my mind to become a physical therapist. After comparing and contrasting the pros and cons of numerous jobs I decided that doing physical therapy fits me best because I am getting to know several types of people. We will write a custom essay sample on Physical Therapist College or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also, knowing that I am improving the health of patients and uplifting their spirit is the perfect job for me. Although, it is going to be a long journey, I know it will definitely be worth it in the end. Physical therapy is dated back to 460 B. C. when physicians would use water therapy and massage therapy on their patients lower the levels of pain, reduce stress and anxiety, and encoruage healing. However, it was during the World War I (1917 – 1918) that physiotherapy was performed widely as a rehabilitation therapy for people who were injured in the war. People employred for such rehabilitative work were known as reconstruction aides and they were trained nurses having background of physical education and massage therapy. buzzle Website) Shortly after, physical therapy started to spread across the world. PT’s used hydrotherapy (water therapy) or massage therapy. Now physical therapist can do a lot more thanks to our intelligence of the human body and its functions. What physical therapist do is treat individuals ranging from any age group who have had injuries or unhealthy conditions to health increase their range of motion and ability to move and improve their lives.They examine the person to make a plan that best fits the person according to their age, depth of injury, and many other factors. Such as decreasing the pain and properly regain their strength back to lower the chances of the injury reoccurring. They also â€Å"work with individuals to prevent the loss of mobility before it occurs†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Bureau of Labor Statistics Website). In order to do this extensive training and practice is needed. Physical therapist can work in many places and environments.As long as they have the right equipment and tools the job can be performed. They can work from hospitals, outpatient clinics, nursery homes, and many other places. â€Å"About 60 percent of physical therapist worked in hospitals or in offices of other practitioners† (Bureau of Labor Statistics Website). Other physical therapist work in healthcare industries, care centers, or privately. Some PT’s also conduct research to accredit themselves with more knowledge or teach in colleges or institutions.It is estimated that â€Å"Employment of physical therapists is expected to grow by 30 percent from 2008 to 2018† (Bureau of Labor Statistics) and by 2018 there will be 241,700 physical therapist working. The reason why the big percentage jump in a ten year span is because of the baby booming age is getting to about the age where they are more at risk for strokes, heart attacks, and more chances of injuries occurring. Therefore, calling for a higher demand in physical therapist to help aid them in their time of disabling injuries or disliked conditions. How to cite Physical Therapist College, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Business Information Systems IS Risk

Question: Discuss about the Business Information Systems IS Risk. Answer: Background to the Case Recently, Three faced IS risks as it failed to secure the customers information. It is one of the biggest mobile companies in Britain. Due to the major cyber-security breach, it has faced issues in successfully executing IS functions (Swinford and McGoogan, 2017). It is a UK based mobile operator, which provides telecommunication and internet services to the customers. This firm has own network infrastructure to provide internet services. The IS of this organization works to collect, store and manage the customer data. Three customers a facility to purchase mobile phones, SIMs, mobile broadband, accessories, top-ups though online medium. This increases the role of IS in an effective execution of business activities. In order to make online purchase, customers share personal details such as name, mobile number, address and bank details with the firm. In online stores, customer provides these data to shop the firms offerings over the internet. Customer database is critical IS of this o rganization through which Three collects, stores, share and organize customers data. This system is used to share and communicate information among the different departments including sales, production and marketing (Three, 2017). Thus, IS of this firm includes use of digital information through hardware and software. In 2016, customer database were hacked by using employee login in unauthorized manner. Due to this, private information of over six million customers was at risk. This firm confirmed that customer data such as address, phone number and names were accessed by the hackers (Lomas, 2016). The financial information of customers was not accessed by the hackers. IS Risks In the selected case study of Threes, different IS risks can be confronted including unauthorized access, software bug, operational mistake, network based virus, device failure and malfunction (Khan, 2012). Below table details the risks, their likelihood, level and implications to the business: No. Risks Risk Likelihood Risk Level Implications to the Business 1 Unauthorized access .3 High Loss of customer trust Loss of market share Poor performance Legal issues Loss of business reputation 2. Software bug .5 Medium Decline in competitiveness Reduction in sales 3. Operational mistake .6 Low Negative image Poor employer branding Decline in ability to attract customers 4. Network based virus .7 High Security breach Loss of customer data and information Loss of business reputation 5. Device failure and malfunction .2 Low Operational problems Increase in employee and customer complaints The above IS risks could be faced by Three, which would have great implications on the business performance and competitiveness. On the basis of above table, it is determined that unauthorized access and network-based virus are the high level of risk, which may great negative implications on the business (Jouini et al., 2014). These risks have potential to affect the tangible assets such as sales and market share as well as intangible assets including reputation, consumer trust, and organizational image. In this way, the IS risks have potential to destroy the business considerably (Pearson, 2013). The IS risks in Three have causes serious issues of customer complaints and dissatisfaction, which may influence its ability to retain and attract customers and to maintain sales. Audit Areas, Audit Objectives and Procedures The auditing of an information system includes examining the performance of management controls, which are established by an organization within an information technological (IT) infrastructure. Through this, effectiveness of organizational policies, system and practices in terms of protecting corporate identity and ensuring data integrity is analyzed. The audit areas will include management of customer data security, data access and user management at Three. Through this, the effectiveness of internal control processes and policies of Three in terms of protecting customer data would be analyzed (Moeller, 2010). Below would be the objective and procedure to access audit areas: No. Audit Areas Audit Objectives Audit Procedures 1 Customer data management including security and access at Three To determine the practices and system used for managing customer data security and access at Three To access the practices and system of consumer data protection and privacy of Three To determine deficiencies of existed system of customer data management at Three and to made informed recommendations Interview of managers and employees of Threes IT team as well as its customers Review of online and offline documents such as customer complaints, privacy policy, customer reviews and reports of managers, news for privacy concerns at Three 2 User management at Three To access the practices of managing user experiences with the IS at Three To determine challenges in managing user experience at Three with IS and to make recommendations Interview of IT management and its customers Review of documents such as customer reviews, news, privacy policy and customer feedback management policy By using the above depicted procedures, required information to audit the selected areas could be obtained in systematic manner. Through interview and survey, questions would be asked to the managers and users of IS including both customers and employees of Three. The views and opinions of these participants would be quite useful to determine their real experiences with the policies and systems of data protection and privacy of Three (Cascarino, 2012). Review of documents would be the other procedure through which secondary information related to the effectiveness of customer data management system at Three would be obtained. Managers of Threes IT department would be interviewed to determine practices of managing data privacy and protection, whereas customers interviews and assessment of secondary sources would be used as audit procedure to access the effectiveness of system critically and to suggest informed changes in the management of IS of this firm (Chong, 2013). Similarly, interview over the employees and customers of Three would also be conducted to determine the access the user experiences over the IS. Employees and customer are used organizational IS to obtain, store and to share information with each other and due to this their opinions could be useful to determine performance of IS in terms of satisfying their information related needs (Gutbrod and Wiele, 2012). Managers would also be interviewed to determine the challenges of firm in establishing systems to provide flawless experiences to the users within the IS infrastructure and to provide recommendations for improvements. Review of documents procedure would also be used to investigate the firms IS system effectiveness in terms of providing smooth user experiences through the secondary sources. Journals, books and e-newspaper would be the key sources of collecting secondary information regarding the IS of the organization for the more effective documentation review procedures (Moelle r, 2016). Through the above stated audit procedures, it is planned to achieve each objective related to the selected audit areas. Audit Questions and Documents In order to achieve each developed objectives, required information would be asked to the customers through the questionnaire. Below table depicts audit questions for each objective and relevant documents: No. Audit Objectives Interview Questions Audit Evidence 1. To determine the practices and system used for managing customer data security and access at Three What are the systems and practices used at Three to ensure security on customer data access? How systems work at Three to protect consumer data from any unauthorized use? What plans Three has to make the system better in terms of securing consumer data from unauthentic uses? Blueprint of IS architecture of Three, which would be signed by the top management Video including trials of examine security breaches of Three Blueprint of Threes IS plan 2. To access the practices and system of consumer data protection and privacy of Three Do Three take any security measures when it asks to you for the financial details? Have you faced problems due to security breach of Three? Does Three response adequnetly in case of security breach complaints? Documentation of interview answers Customer reviews for Threes privacy policy Copy of Threes responses 3. To determine deficiencies of existed system of customer data management at Three and to made informed recommendations What do you think deficiencies in IS system of Three? Is staff training organized at Three to reduce this risk? How IS can be improved at Three? Copy of consumers complaints for Three Detail of training programs at Three Detail of Threes response over the IS improvement 4. To access the practices of managing user experiences with the IS at Three Does Three has certain policies and system to guide your use of IS? Does Three communicate security measures before information sharing? Does Three provide any OTP, when they asked information to you? Threes IS polices for employees Threes IS polices for customers Video including trials of making online purchase from Three online stores 5. To determine challenges in managing user experience at Three with IS and to make recommendations What challenges do you face in managing user experiences at Three? Is unauthorized access major challenge in improving the user experience with IS at Three Is Three communicate adequnetly regarding any IS fault? Documentation of interview answers including examples of recent IS problems at Three, which are published in authentic newspaper Examples of security breaches at Three, which are published in authentic newspaper Examples of Three response towards the customers during any IS problem The above table depicts the questions, which would be asked in interview to the customers, managers and IS staff of Three to achieve the purpose of conducting audit. Apart from this, audit evidences are the results, which an auditor obtains by applying the selected audit procedures. The interview and review of documents would be the key audit procedures of conducting IS audit at Three. The validity of obtained results are required to present by auditors with the help of evidences which could be either any authentic document, inquires of the client, observation and result of physical examination (Van Deursen et al., 2013). The above audit question and evidences would be helpful to audit the IS system of Threes and to access their effectiveness. Control Recommendations This section of control recommendation includes recommended control mechanism for mitigating above identified IS risks effectively including their benefits for Three. Below table depicts control recommendations and their benefits: No. IS Risks Control Recommendations Benefits 1 Unauthorized access Developing personal firewall at Three Employ password protected software in systems at Three Conduct employee training at Three to educate them and to take quick action in case of any early doubts and identification of unauthorized access Timely revise polices of consumer data privacy and update of systems at Three Mitigate risk of unauthorized access at Three Protect consumer data and to increase trust for Three Employee education to increase their morale Increase employee authority at Three to response queries of customer frequently 2. Software bug Implement bug tracking system at Three Appoint quality control manager at Three Regalulary access software bug at Three to decreases potential of IS issues and customer problems Ensuing customers and clients of Three for effective management of software bug Increase in customer trust and improve image of Three 3. Operational mistake Developing culture of professional accountability at Three Operational quality management program in Three Ensuring operational effectiveness of IT department of Three in terms of developing and managing the process to store, collect and to share customer data Improve quality consistency at Three and increase in consumer satisfaction 4. Network based virus Use updated antivirus Mitigate risk of security breach at Three Reduce customer complaints and to improve brand image of Three Increase ability to attract customers 5. Device failure and malfunction Implement highly capable software for data backup at Three Software to provide early indication of device failure and malfunction at Three Ensuring operational consistency at Three and to increase consumer satisfaction Reduce complaints from customer for error regarding IS functions at Three In above table, the ways to mitigate and manage the identified IS risks of Three are discussed. These ways would be useful for this firm to reduce or eliminate implication of IS risk on the business. By developing personal firewall, it would be easy for firm to limit or eliminate the unauthentic access over the consumer database, which may increase consumer trust and satisfaction (Khan, 2012). Employee training at Three would also be effective to educate IS staff to monitor the performance of software and hardware and to track any potential of unauthorized access, software bug, device malfunction and operational mistake. This may help Three to ensure consistency in the operations of IS systems. The timely revision of polices and system update could be useful for this firm to make required measures for mitigating IS risks effectively and to increase consumer trust (Gibson, 2014). The controlled recommendations would be beneficial to improve consumer satisfaction and to decrease consum er complaints that may influence firms sales and profitability in positive manner (Mithas et al., 2011). References Cascarino, R.E. (2012)Auditor's Guide to IT Auditing,+ Software Demo(Vol. 583). USA: John Wiley Sons. Chong, G. (2013) Detecting Fraud: What Are Auditors Responsibilities?.The Journal of Corporate Accounting Finance,24(2), pp.47-53. Gibson, D. (2014)Managing risk in information systems. USA: Jones Bartlett Publishers. Gutbrod, R. and Wiele, C. (2012)The Software Dilemma: Balancing Creativity and Control on the Path to Sustainable Software. Germany: Springer Science Business Media. Jouini, M., Rabai, L.B.A. and Aissa, A.B. ( 2014) Classification of security threats in information systems.Procedia Computer Science,32, pp.489-496. Khan, M.A. ed. (2012)Handbook of Research on Industrial Informatics and Manufacturing Intelligence: Innovations and Solutions: Innovations and Solutions. UK: IGI Global. Lomas, N. (2016) Three UK suffers major data breach via compromised employee login. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 3 April, 2017). Mithas, S., Ramasubbu, N. and Sambamurthy, V. (2011) How information management capability influences firm performance.MIS quarterly, pp.237-256. Moeller, R. R. (2016) Brink's Modern Internal Auditing: A Common Body of Knowledge. USA: John Wiley Sons. Moeller, R.R. (2010)IT audit, control, and security(Vol. 13). USA: John Wiley Sons. Pearson, S. (2013) Privacy, security and trust in cloud computing. InPrivacy and Security for Cloud Computing(pp. 3-42). London: Springer. Swinford, S. and McGoogan, C. (2016) Three Mobile cyber hack: six million customers' private information at risk after employee login used to access database. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 3 April, 2017). Three Mobile (2017) About Three [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 3 April, 2017). Van Deursen, N., Buchanan, W.J. and Duff, A. (2013) Monitoring information security risks within health care.computers security,37, pp.31-45.