Friday, May 22, 2020

High School Essay Topic on Napoleon

High School Essay Topic on NapoleonHigh school essay topics on Napoleon are a lot of fun. So much so that students are often allowed to choose their own topic and write as much or as little as they want on it. Students also tend to get very specific and in fact one of the key things I stress to my students when it comes to choosing a topic for their essay is to not be too general. It is important to be clear, but not too vague or too specific in your choices.The other thing I emphasize to my students is to be realistic with your essay topic. There are several different things I tell my students not to do. Here are a few of them:Forgetting to talk about Napoleon Bonaparte is a big no-no. Even though it would be nice to cover the guy himself, it is important to give students a good idea of who he was and how he lived his life. However, if you choose to have some less than flattering things to say about him, make sure you do not forget to mention them either.Not going into detail is an odd thing to do as well. Students must understand that the more you tell them about a person, the more likely it is that they will understand your point or argument. If you choose to spend time on only a few things, your students will not know that you spent time on other things as well.The most common thing that I see written in a high school essay topic on Napoleon is the one of the man's era in history. Napoleon was always a part of history and this is what you should write about in your essay. If you are too focused on only one aspect of his life or career, then it might seem like you are ignoring many things. Make sure you go into detail about everything, even if it seems boring to you.I really like to see high school students try to expand on the topic in more ways than just writing a few paragraphs about Napoleon. This is especially the case with subjects such as these that are historical in nature. Students are given a lot of room to write about things that might not normall y be covered in a standard high school essay topic on Napoleon.Your topic should speak to the reader in a personal and interesting way. Do not make them feel bad about anything, but rather help them think about things from another angle. After all, you do not have to agree with Napoleon to be able to appreciate his greatness and influence in history.Make sure you take the time to select a high school essay topic on Napoleon that fits with your personality and is something that you are interested in writing about. You can write about things that you are passionate about as well as things that you think are interesting. Just make sure you always choose a topic that you are comfortable with.

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